Exploring Solitude: A Deep Dive into 'Aloners' (2021) - A Film Review

영화 '혼자 사는 사람들' 공승연

"Aloners" explores the phenomenon of urban isolation through the eyes of its protagonist, Jina. Set against the backdrop of contemporary Seoul, the film captures the nuanced reality of individuals leading solitary lives amidst a bustling city. Directed by Hong Sung-eun, this movie presents a poignant look at modern-day loneliness and the subtle connections that can change one's trajectory.

Jina's Daily Routine: Jina works as a customer service agent for a credit card company. She is efficient and distant, maintaining minimal interaction with her colleagues and living a routine, secluded life. Her emotional detachment is depicted early in the film, setting the stage for her internal journey.

Inciting Incident: The sudden death of Jina's next-door neighbor, who lived an equally solitary existence, serves as a wake-up call. It forces her to confront her own isolation and reconsider her withdrawn lifestyle.

Emerging Connections: As the story progresses, Jina begins to form subtle connections with those around her, including a new employee at work and her estranged father. These interactions are depicted with sensitivity, highlighting moments of silent understanding and shared loneliness.

Isolation in Urban Spaces: "Aloners" critiques the paradox of urban life where one can be surrounded by people yet profoundly alone. It explores how modern life encourages isolation through technology and high-paced living.

Human Connection: The film suggests that genuine human connections are not forged through quantity but through meaningful, albeit brief, interactions. It underscores the significance of being present and available to those around us.

Reflective Ending: The movie concludes on a reflective note, with Jina making small but significant changes to engage more with the world around her. It leaves viewers with a sense of cautious optimism about overcoming isolation through simple acts of connection.


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